
Showing posts from January, 2012


PRESS RELEASE Will be presented in Milan on December 16 and 17 in Bisceglie(Bat): spotlight on road safety It 'was shot in Apulia from Brazilian photographer Wilson Gomes Bisceglie (Bat), 26 - "Beauty and Security 2012" is the name of the calendar made by competitors of Miss and Mister Motors to raise public awareness on road safety, as desired by the "boss", the Bruno Taranto Dalto. On each page, in fact, there will be a sentence devoted to this important theme designed by girls and boys in the aftermath of the course "Katedromos", a sort of catechism on road safety during the finals held by Professor Leonardo Indiveri. The protagonists are fifteen competitors Motors Miss International and Miss and Mister Motors Italy: Katerina Fedosejeva, 24 year old Latvian ambassador for global road safety; Aliki Millant (Greece); Anayki Avello (Cuba); Thays Olegario, Miss Motors Italy 2011 (Brazilian living from Caserta), Giulia Salemi and Giulia Tirell